
Laluna 94,9 FM Radio

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14:32 michael jackson - blood on the dance floor
14:30 ant bangos
14:28 ray dalton - all we got
14:24 michael bubl� - hollywood
14:22 ant bangos
14:19 martin garrix ft. bono & the edge - we are the people
14:13 ant bangos
14:09 biplan - vakar
14:09 ant bangos
14:06 kush kush - fight back with love tonight
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About station

Radio Laluna 94,9 FM you can listen on this page of our site. Station work in genres: Pop. 1995 metų rugpjūčio 25 d. Klaipėdos klausytojai išgirdo pirmuosius radijo stoties Laluna šaukinius. Nuo to momento Laluna tapo neatskiriama Klaipėdos ir klaipėdiečių dalimi. Gera ten, kur esame!. Radio Laluna 94,9 FM has a rating 5.0. Broadcasting country: Lithuania. The station was rated by 3 listeners. Radio Laluna 94,9 FM you can also listen in the FMCUBE app for Android.
Laluna 94,9 FM
Качество потока
Premium Standart Economy