
1.FM All Times and Urban Gospel Radio

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06:41 teodor wolgers - arthur’s theme
06:36 richard dillon - dancing on the light
06:32 sean beeson - moondrops
06:29 philip aaberg - dr. sayer
06:25 riopy - essence of light
06:23 francesco tulman - modena
06:21 christan. - two different souls
06:19 nils frahm - over there, it's raining
06:16 piotr wiese - false promises
06:14 virginio aiello - winter snow
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About station

Radio 1.FM All Times and Urban Gospel you can listen on this page of our site. Station work in genres: Religion. 1.FM’s Gospel is the one station that people around the world listen to live! We cross all language barriers with the way that we praise the Lord DAILY! From choirs to singers and gospel rappers, we are 24 hour/365 days a year Urban Gospel Music!. Radio 1.FM All Times and Urban Gospel has a rating 5.0. Broadcasting country: Switzerland. The station was rated by 7 listeners. Radio 1.FM All Times and Urban Gospel you can also listen in the FMCUBE app for Android.
1.FM All Times and Urban Gospel
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